Terms and Conditions.


Welcome to our website presented to you by Consolidated Management. These terms and conditions apply to your use of our website. By using our website, you have agreed to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not accept these terms and conditions, you must refrain from using our website.

It is important you make your own independent enquiry about the accuracy of any data or information you gain via our website or any other sites you may access. We make no representation and warranty about information you may obtain from any other sites you may access through  our website.

All information (including any opinion, plans, measurements, projections, analysis or specifications) contained in our  website are provided as a guide only and may have been prepared prior to the completion of a project or task. The information contained in our  website is believed to be correct at the time of preparation but is not guaranteed. We reserve the right to modify and change any information contained in our website at any time without notice to our users. 

If any terms and conditions are determined to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable by reasons of any laws of Victoria or Australia, the offending term will be severed and deleted from these terms and conditions. The remaining terms and conditions will survive, be binding and enforceable. 

These terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of Victoria and Australia. Any disputes arising will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Victoria and Australia. 


Privacy statement and guiding principles

We, at Consolidated Management, and our related entities (including our directors and employees) respect the rights and privacy of all individuals with whom we transact with. We are committed to complying with current Australian data protection legislation, applicable Australian privacy laws and our privacy policy. 

We  will not collect personal information unless such information is necessary. Any collection of personal information will be conducted  by lawful and fair means and in a manner which is not unreasonably intrusive.

Our privacy policy details our procedures for the collection, use, management and disclosure of personal information. 

Procedures for the Collection, Use, Management and Disclosure of Personal Information

Use of personal information

It is our policy to collect and use personal information only for the following purposes:

·       to assist in providing our services to you;

·       to assist with your enquiries;

·       to deliver invitations to promotional offers and special events;

·       to conduct internal administrative, marketing, planning, product development and research requirements to improve our services towards our customers;

·       and any other related purpose for which you may reasonably expect it to be used for.
Except where our collection or disclosure of your personal information is required by law, such information will only be handled for the above purposes.

What is personal information?

Personal information means information or an opinion, whether true or not and whether recorded in a material form or not, about an individual who is identified or reasonably identifiable.

Example of the type of personal information that we collect about you - your name, age, address, contact details, details of the services or products you are interested in and how you heard about us 

What is sensitive information?

Sensitive information is personal information that is afforded a higher level of privacy protection such as health information, racial or ethnic origin, religious beliefs or affiliations, sexual preferences or practices, criminal record

We only collect sensitive information where it is reasonably necessary for our functions or activities and either with your consent or if we are required or authorised by law to do so. 

How we collect personal information

During the course of your dealing with us, you may be requested to furnish personal information from time to time. We collect personal information in various ways but more commonly:

·       at our office, events or projects

·       over the phone through our customer service representative

·       through our website and social media platforms (eg. our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)

·       written correspondence and survey/enquiry forms

·       third parties 

 What are our  obligations?

We are committed to complying with the Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (as amended)We are generally exempt from the Privacy Act when we collect and handle employee records and this Privacy Policy does not apply to that information. However, we will continue to protect the privacy of employee records and health information where required by any applicable legislation in different states of Australia.

Cookies & our website

Our website is designed to enhance all user experience and also enables us to collect information about how our users navigate our website. We use cookie and click stream data to achieve this.

A cookie is a block of information that is shared between a web server and the user’s browser. It is used to record aspects of the user’s experience regarding website activity.  

Cookies are not usually used to identify you or record personal information. However, they may identify your internet browser. We may also use cookies to hold anonymous session information. This information is used to personalise your experience to our website by allowing our website to remember who are you by keeping server variables linked to your session. If you prefer not to accept cookies, we recommend you adjust your internet browser to reject cookies. 

Our web server may automatically record click stream data to register which pages of our website you visit. This data does not enable us to identify who you are.

Click-stream data is non-personal information automatically generated by the web server and includes details such as your server address, domain name, operating system, the date, time and pages visited.  This data is collected to assist in maintaining and improving the service level experienced by users of our website.


We take reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse, interference and unauthorised access or disclosure. Personal information is held in electronic and paper form. 

You should also be aware that when accessing or using our website, there may be risks associated with transmitting information across the Internet.  We will take reasonable steps to protect all information collected through the website from misuse and loss from unauthorised access, modification and disclosure.  

We also have in place procedural, software and hardware safeguards to ensure information is stored in access-controlled premises or in electronic databases protected by login and password.  If you are concerned about the security of your data, you should contact us via telephone or email.

Access and Complaints 

You have a formal right of access to view, and correct, your personal information held by us. You can also access and correct your personal information by making a formal application under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic).  

If you have a complaint about how we have collected or used your personal information, please contact our privacy officer at:

Consolidated Management 

Level 8, 805/220 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria

Email: info@consolidatedmanagement.com.au

We will do our best to resolve your complaint as soon as possible.